
所在地区: 上海

所属行业: 日用消费品

职位类别: 贸易/采购/物流/仓储 > 采购助理

全职  2024年08月20日 
不限  不限 


Key Responsibilities: (主要工作职责) To supervise merchandising team and increase profitability 具有团队管理与合作能力 To handle the entire sourcing, merchandising and production of the fabric business and ensure buyer’s developments and shipments are on time. 具有纺织品产品的采购,确保客户产品开发及产品出货周期的及时性的能力 To create & monitor production planning schedule and schedule factory visits for the entire team for production monitoring and collection of new developments. 具有良好的组织和策划能力,能很好的安排整个面料部门的工作以及新的面料产品开发 To regularly evaluate current and prospective suppliers and clients. 具有对现有供应商和客户的评估以及新的供应商和客户开发能力 Key Requirements: a)At least 7 years of relevant working experience in sourcing and buying woven, knitted and non-woven fabrics 必须具备7年采购梭针织及无纺布到欧美、亚洲和中东市场的相关工作经验。 b) Effective costing & price negotiation skills 具有良好的价格谈判能力 c)Must have excellent communication skills in English & Mandarin 具有良好的中英文交流能力 d)Good supervisory and leadership skills; with ability to lead team and increase profitability 有良好的监管和指导能力引导销售部门 e)Degree/Diploma in textiles / clothing is preferred 纺织、服装专业毕业者优先 f)Extensive traveling within China and overseas 能适应出差 Please send your detailed resume in both Chinese and English to ; 请将中英文简历及相关资料发送至