
所在地区: 深圳

所属行业: 电气电子

职位类别: 贸易/采购/物流/仓储 > 贸易专员/助理

全职  2024年04月08日 
     上海  , 深圳 
不限  不限 


職位描述:協助總經理處理各種日常事務及與公司各部門間的協調與溝通; 協助經理開展外貿工作,處理相關外貿業務;配合總經理進行市場行業資訊收集, 客戶資訊整理;收發國內外電話、email和傳真,通過電子商務聯繫並開拓國外業務。素質描述:限男性,反映靈活,善於交際,英語口語流暢;有2-3年有半導體設備,半導體耗材,半導體配件跟單業務經驗優先;能冷靜處理突發事件,要求能吃苦耐勞,誠實正直,陽光,積極,有韌性. Title: Foreign Trade GM Assistant Description: Assist the GM develops good business relationship with customers, manage the customers’ data. Assist GM make/answer call, email, fax with customers Communicate well with GM and customers, and other colleagues. The successful candidate will possess: Excellent level of English, spoken and written. Excellent communication and organizational skills. Experienced sales person with electronic components, preferable in semiconductor instrument, application or accessories. Well organized highly motivated independent and self confident person with good networking skills and real initiative to make things happen. Trustworthy, loyal and reliable individual with solid references.