
所在地区: 江阴

所属行业: 机械制造/机电/重工

职位类别: 贸易/采购/物流/仓储 > 业务跟单

全职  2024年09月04日 
3-5年  本科 


Report to:HSS OH team leaderJob description:
1.接收、审核客户订单并向客户发出订单确认;receive and review customer orders,order acknowledge to customers
2.把确认的新订单分解成生产订单和OUS采购订单,调整相关的启动日期和完成日期;break down the customer order into manufacture order and purchase order.Adjust the start date and finish date of related MO/PO
3.对客户的查询、投诉以及订单更改给予精确的反馈,并及时把更改信息通知生产及材料计划;provide accurate feedback to customer’s inquiry,complaints&claims and order revisions.Inform the production planner of all the information in time
4.检查了解材料及生产情况,并定期向客户反馈订单交货情况;check the material situation and feed back delivery to customers
5.及时做好装箱单,发票等发货单证,通知运输部进行发货操作并结束客户订单,告知客户出货信息。prepare packing list and invoice as delivery papers and notify I/E to deliver the goods.Finish handling in related ERP systems and inform real delivery to customer.
6.产品结构变更的执行并进行系统订单调整Manage the production structure and adjust in system for customer orders7.文档管理filing
Job Requirement:
1.本科以上学历,机械专业或有机械知识背景Bachelor education or equal,specialty of mechanical engineering or similar educational back ground
2.良好的英语口语及书面语能力good English both oral and written
3.良好的计算机及Jeeves/Tumba movex应用能力good PC literature in MS Office and fair knowledge and operation on Jeeves/Tumba movex.
4.至少2年以上外企相关工作经验 at least 2 years elated experience in foreign enterprises.